Thursday, November 29, 2012


You know the saying, "a rash of deaths"?  Well, that's what we've had here lately.  I've heard of at least eight people dying in this area in the last week or so.  I'm starting to avoid talking to people, because they always seem to know of someone else who died.  I go to my fair share of funerals, what with having to play piano and all, and have become somewhat "hardened", so to speak, but it's really getting to be a bit much.  Some have been expected, like the 102-year-old mother of my godfather, Helen Behm, who is finally where she has been yearning to be for some time.  Others, not so much.  The last was a 41-year-old guy from God's country, who died of a heart attack a few days ago.  Those ones really get you.  I know it sounds a little selfish to be whining about how I feel, when none of these deaths have affected our family, but that's how it is.  Enough already!!

So I am totally ready for the birthday party planned for my twin aunts, who are now that age where they get a cheque in the mail each month, just because they are that age!!  Mom and Dad are coming, and my brother with his adorable family, so that will be good for my soul. 

Take care out there, and remember to treasure each moment, and tell those you love that you do!
Thanks for stopping in!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Romber brought two of the cutest little guys ever to visit auntie and family.  It took the perogie a bit of time to warm up, but we sure had fun after that! 

Sam is such a happy little guy.  The smiles just bust out of him!  Warms the heart!
A rare serious moment.  He was probably wondering who the crazy lady was behind the camera.

He looks like Ashley to me in this shot.

The Calgary kidlets weren't able to drop in to visit, but their dad sent an awesome photo via email.  Auntie may just need to make a road trip!!

The other morning we woke up to discover that Jack Frost had visited.  I just had to take the camera for a little walk!  


Clem somehow manages to back this tandem truck into a dark shed and end up inches from the bagger.  I am in awe.

Derek's team has gone undefeated in their first four games.  Not bad for a rag-tag group of "leftovers"!  We have a great group of parents, too, and we are really enjoying the season so far!  I especially like our Monday practices in God's country, where I feel very at home and am able to renew some old acquaintances.   If you'd like to keep up-to-date with the KDL Bantams, go to our website HERE.  

For those of you who remember Lil (Guintaut) Body, you'll be sad to hear that she passed away last Friday.  I went to school with her daughter, and will go and pay my respects tomorrow.  Sad.

I better get off the computer and do some other things around here.  Clem has informed me that Stephen will be stopping in shortly.  Which makes sense - it's almost lunchtime!!

Thank YOU for stopping in.  Always a pleasure chatting with you!

Monday, November 05, 2012

This is what love looks like

My great-aunt Barbara died yesterday.  She was 91, and the last of my mom's aunts and uncles.  She was married for nearly 64 years to my grandpa's youngest brother, Joe.  He died last year.  They lived in a care home, and although in different rooms, were able to be together each day.  They would often sit and hold hands, like in this photo.  She was unable to communicate for the past eight years, except with her eyes.  I remember when Mom and I visited a few years ago, how Aunt Barbara would just sit and look at Mom.  I know she knew her, and wanted Mom to know that. 

Uncle Joe and Aunt Barbara had five wonderful children, who took exceptionally good care of their parents.   Their daughter, Debbie, wrote in an email yesterday, "Mom and Dad are together once again. I've missed her laugh these passed 8 years and I'm smiling now just thinking about the laughter and joy she is experiencing today."  Such lovely thoughts.

So forget all those mushy airbrushed photos of young couples walking hand in hand on a beach.  This is what love really looks like!

Thanks for checking in!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

October in (mostly) photos

 This is Sam, who was dressed as a bear for Halloween.  Isn't he just the cutest?? And I bet he gives great bear hugs.  Or will, in time.  His godmother (that would be moi) cannot wait!

And here's Sam hanging out with his dad and his big brother.  They're all pretty cute.

Rogan Halloweened as his favourite, Elmo.  Too cute!!

And here he is with his "tar".  This guy loves music. 

I also received some photos of my newest nephew, Edison, from his family in Calgary.  He's awfully cute, too.  

Earlier in October, Mom and Dad and I traveled to Saskatoon for Sam's baptism.  It was a great day of family and laughter and visiting.

Grandpa seems to like this newest grandson.  

Grandma likes him, too, especially the smiles!

The next day was Thanksgiving Sunday, and we all gathered at our place.  Edison and Copper and their parents came, as did Rogan and Sam and their parents.  We threw in a few more "hangers-on" and had a great day.  We missed Lisa, though!  However, we really have lots for which to be thankful!

Derek's football season ended abruptly with a 51-0 loss to Hanley in the provincial quarter finals.  The players were all quite devasted.  However, Derek is looking forward to next year, as he sure loves his football.  He's the big 22 in the following photos.   (Look out for the rookie haircut!!)


Here he is with cousin Dylan.

Harvest finally came to an anti-climatic end.  We had just about everything happen this year, except maybe for locusts.  Torrential rain, hail, and wind did quite a bit of damage to the quality and the yield.  We did manage to get some nice peas before all hell broke loose, though.  (That would be the royal "we", as Clem did most of the harvest on his own.)  And the buyers are still knocking at the door, so I think we'll be OK!   Clem was a huge help getting the garden stuffs gathered and stored for the winter.  We are now fully stocked with potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, corn, beans, beets, peas, and applesauce!  And, the garden is worked and ready for next year!  Love it!

Hockey is in full swing.  Derek announced after his practice last night that he is the captain of his Bantam team this year.  I think he will make a fine captain.  They have a home tournament tomorrow, and begin league play on the 9th.  Some of his former teammates have gone to Kindersley to play AA, so it will be an interesting year. 

We still have a junior Rage billet, but it's a different one now.  Scott is a very nice young hockey player from Chestermere Lake, near Calgary.  He is sadly not a Flames fan, and without any NHL this year, it may be hard to convert him in the few short months he will be here.  We will do our best, though. 

I am currently taking in the three-day provincial One-Act Play Festival being hosted in Kerrobert, and appropriately named "One Hill of a Show".  It has been great entertainment.  I am in awe of the talent and hours of work that goes into something like this.  Our community is very fortunate to have such hard-working and dedicated individuals.  It should be noted that I am even missing hockey games to attend this event!!

And that's about it.  If any of you hear from Adam and/or Stephen, let me know how they're doing!!

Thanks for stopping by!