Monday, August 02, 2010

Mmmm-mmm-mm! Pink soup!

Actually, it's borscht, but the boys always called it pink soup.  I was ever amazed that they even ate it - I mean, it's just vegetables.  But man, is it good.  I've been told that I make good borscht.  One of Derek's friends will only eat mine - he told his mom hers tasted "like crap"!  I think it's just the fresh veggies.  Today I went from this:

to this: about two hours.  Wanna see how?

First you gather all the veggies and clean them up. 

Then you melt some butter (yes, butter.  Margarine will NOT suffice here!)  in a large soup pot and saute the chopped onions.  Lots of onions.

Then you chop the beets and cook them for a few more minutes.  

It's so pretty! And pink!

Chop the potatoes and carrots and stir them in, too.  Cook for about five minutes.

Then fill the pot with water and bring to a boil.  In the meantime, cut the beans, and chop the beet tops 
and dill. 

Lots of dill!

Stir it all up.  I put in a bit of chicken soup base and some pepper.  Bring it to a boil and simmer until the veggies are tender.   Did I mention how pretty and pink it is?

Oops!  I forgot to mention that I also chopped up a bit of cabbage and threw that in, too.  While it is simmering, I add some vinegar, to taste.  We like lots.  

When everything is cooked, turn off the heat.  Stir in some cream - you will notice that I used the deluxe 36% stuff today!

Don't let it boil.  Stir well.  Aaahhh, perfection!

Derek came home while the soup was simmering and said, "Oooh, what smells so good?"  And that was before I even added the vinegar!  He and his dad were eager to try the season's first pot of borscht.

And now we all feel extra healthy and well!  

I took a walk today to see the beautiful blue flax blooms.  I just love it when Clem plants flax around the yard!

Roxy was sure we were going for a walk!

The macro setting on the new camera seems to work quite well.

Here's the view from up by the quonset, looking northwest.

An ocean of flax!

Couldn't resist a couple of artsy-fartsy shots.

Who knew thistle and clover could look so good??

Potatoes, anyone?  Dill, perhaps??

Well, I'm off to pick peas and beans.  I feel a bit like Henny Penny!

Thanks for checking in!


velvis said...

My husband wants me to ask if he can buy a jar of your borscht?


Tina said...

Holy. Love it! Did you husband think you were crazy as you were taking pictures along the way? Mine sure does! :)

Scratchings in the Dirt said...

Velvis, Bear can NOT buy a jar of my borscht. However, if you come for a visit, we will have it for supper!!

Tina, my husband is generally not anywhere in the vicinity of the kitchen when I am cooking. I can do pretty much whatever I want until I call everybody to the table!!

Anonymous said...

LOL... as it should be eh!

Ilsa said...

you're KILLING me here! All looks wonderful!!