Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just send my mail to the Kerrobert Arena...

Hola from the Schraefel farm!  Or should I say Gutentag?  Feeling a little international today, for no real reason.
Hockey has hit with a vengeance here.  Derek has started playing again, with no ill effects.  In fact, he looks pretty darn good out there.  As you may recall, his team elected to stay out of the league this year and focus on higher level tournaments and exhibition games.  That has translated into way fewer games (for way more moolah), but they did have a tournament last weekend in Saskatoon.  They won their first game against Red Deer, lost the second against The Pas, which put them in the "C" side.  Two more wins, over Flin Flon and Balgonie, cinched the "C" final.  Not bad for a house team.  They are definitely not used to losing, or even being behind, as evidenced by the poor behaviour of some of our team in the game they lost, but hopefully they will lose a few more and learn how to be better sports!  Bodychecking is allowed again this year, and Derek is taking to it like a duck to water.  I'm so proud...  I was actually a little worried, since he has always concentrated on the puck and never shown much inclination toward physical contact, but something has clicked.  He gives nice clean checks, doesn't seek out the little guys, and stands his ground.  Should be an interesting year.

Since the Pee Wees were done by about 1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, I was able to high-tail it back to K-town and take in the Junior B game (good hockey, but lost it in the third period, again!), and the Midgets' home-opener against hockey and football arch rivals, Elrose.  It was a fast, hard-hitting, entertaining game, and the Thunder shut out the visitors with five unanswered goals.

We have so far eluded the swine flu in our house, but have gone a few rounds with other flu bugs.  Clem has remained the healthiest.  I thought I was done for the other day, and feared passing out while playing for a funeral, but managed to stay upright and get myself home to bed, arising the next morning feeling quite well. The funeral was for a local 58-year-old lady who died of lung cancer eleven days after being diagnosed.  It was very sad - her grandchildren took it so hard.  She was originally from God's country, or Luseland as it is sometimes called.  She was the daughter of Jack and Helen Bergen, for those of you who will recognize the name.  I saw many faces from the past - people I rode the bus with, people I babysat, and people who still call me Chandra "Hook".  I consider it a gift to be close enough to reconnect occasionally. To that end, I am traveling once a week to the land of my birth to accompany the community choir there.  They have so much fun getting togther and singing, it is a privilege to be part of that.  Plus I get to see my former music teacher and hero, Val Finley.  What a gal!

And that is about all the news from here.  If you need to contact us, just call the rink in town!

Thanks for checking in!

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